Intensive Outpatient Program California

As you recover from addicton, our team will keep you on track with proven methods of guidance towards getting yourself on track to a path of success.

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Intensive Outpatient Program

An Intensive Outpatient Program is the level of care offered used to address addiction, depression, or other dependencies that do not require round-the-clock supervision. It is

Most patients who choose Intensive Outpatient Treatment Programs

  • Cannot take time off work or school for residential treatment
  • Do not require medically supervised detoxification
  • Are newly sober and require extra support
  • Are transitioning home or to sober living after completing residential treatment

Our Treatment Modalities:


  • GROUP THERAPY – These offer the patients to enhance their self-esteem through communication skills thus proving them a new resource to socialize. It gives access to a supportive and comfortable environment where other people are in similar situations thus offering valuable assistance and empathy to those who are early in the recovery process.
  • INDIVIDUAL THERAPY – This therapy helps the patient dig deep into the work done in group therapy. As each individual is different, this therapy gives ample space to individuals to express their issues completely who do not feel comfortable talking about personal matters in front of others. Individual therapy sessions are part of most IOPs and will usually be scheduled on at least a weekly basis, if not more often, especially early in treatment. Each client is assigned a therapist who will endeavor to establish a close, honest relationship based on mutual trust and commitment to recovery.
  • FAMILY THERAPY – In most cases family therapy is very effective to heal from any damage that might have been a resultant of individual’s mental health, behavioral health or addiction challenges. Family Therapy is typically held depending upon the individual needs of a person

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